Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jesus no longer does "crazy"

I swear, Jesus has the wackiest sense of humor...

... or at least I think he was kidding when he told me he created Britney Spears in the image of an old girlfriend he dated about a thousand years ago!

Seems he used to be attracted to hot and wild women

until they kept turning out to be nutcases.


"Why it took Jesus a millenium to figure this out

isn't as important as the fact that he finally did!

So don't beat yourself up if you keep dating crazies...

it is possible to change!"

Jesus and I are living proof that you can find true love without crazy!


Just follow Jesus' SIMPLE BUT MIRACULOUS TIPS in the form of my DATE RECAP

Finding Your Mate Online! (pgs. 193 - 196)

Fill out this recap religiously after every date, and actually follow your own advice.

(That's the miraculous part. That you actually follow good advice -- oh, you know what I'm talking about!)

As Jesus said to me,

"I don't care what people call it --

listening to your gut...

following your intuition...


-- the DATE RECAP(tm) really works!"

At age 43, I got married to a hot and wild NORMAL man...

... after a lifetime of hot and wild CRAZY guys.

Thank you, Jesus!

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